lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

5 oraciones en there were, there are, there is y there was

There is:
-But there isn`t knife
-But there isn`t cookies.
-But there isn`t needles.
-But there isn`t tables
-But there isn`t meat.
There were:
-there were monkey
-there were apple.
-there were ball.
-there were toad.
-there were  goose.
There was:
-there was a monkey.
-there were not an apple.
-there were not an ball.
-there were not an toad.
-there were not an goose.

Lo que hcse en vacaciones

Lo que ice en mis vacaciones pasadas:
Fui a Mérida a pasar las vacaciones  y con mi amiga Fabiana, compramos fresas duraznos de todo pero lo mas importante es que ismos varias cosas nosotros tomamos varias fotos en el museo y fue muy maravilloso demasiado espectacular me encanto fuimos a un jardín grande y muy bonito siempre feliz y con mi amiga, comimos perro caliente y la pase muy bien con mi mama linda y hermosa también con mi tía isimos varias cosas compramos títeres, juguetes, muñecos de masa y flores artificiales, tomamos muchos jugos y comimos fresas con crema, estudiamos para un trabajo y empezamos a dormirnos porque nos cansamos de subir la montaña, después llovió fuerte y nos dio mas sueño regresamos a casa y esas fueron las mejores vacaciones de mi vida.

Traducción en ingles:
I went to Merida holiday with my friend Fabian, buy strawberries peaches all but the most important thing is that isms are several things we take several photos at the museum and it was wonderful too spectacular I loved went to a large and beautiful garden always happy and with my friends, ate hot dogs and a great time with my mom cute and beautiful too with my aunt bought several things ISIM puppets, toys, stuffed body and artificial flowers, we took many juices and ate strawberries and cream, we studied for a job and started to fall asleep because we get tired of climbing the mountain, then it rained hard and gave us more sleep we returned home and those were the best vacation of my life.

lo que hago en mi rutina diaria

-my mom never lost in bowling.

-my dog never bit me.

-my monkey never bolus.

-my cat never bathed.

-my four was never found the rope.


-Sometimes I go for my grandmother's house.

-Sometimes as rice and chicken.

-Sometimes I sleep on the furniture.

-Sometimes the plants are allergies.

-Sometimes my father drink wine.


 - often go to class.

 -often go to the park.

 - often do my homework.

 - often dinner.

- often as apple.


-  usually bathe.
- usually get with other shoes.
- usually go to the apartment.
-usually play with my dogs.
- usually grab fresh.
-  always bath.
-   always.
-  always sleep.
-  always provided.
 - always play.

Traduccion en español:
mi mama nunca perdio en el boliche.
mi perro nunca me mordio.
mi mono nunca bolo.
mi gato nunca se baño.
mi cuatro nunca se le encontro la cuerda.
a veces voy para la casa de mi abuela.
a veces como arroz con pollo.
a veces duermo en el mueble.
a veces las plantas dan alergias.
a veces mi papa toma vino.
a menudo voy a clase.
a menudo voy al parque .
a menudo hago mis tareas.
a menudo hago la cena.
a menudo como manzana .
por lo general voy a bañarme
por lo general voy a quedar con otros zapatos.
por lo general me voy al apartamento.
por lo general juego con mis perros.
por lo general tomo fresco.
siempre me baño.
siempre como.
siempre duermo.
siempre almuerzo.
siempre juego.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

there is, there was, there were

there is:
-there are sausages in picnik?
no, no sausage in picnik.

-there is a crab in picnik?
no, there is a crab in picnik.

-there is a table in picnik?
no, there is a table at the picnik.

-there are beans in picnik?
no, no beans in picnik.

-there are apples in picnik?
no, no apples onthe picnik grainds.

there was:
-had a dog in picnik?
no, there was a dog on the picnik grouds.

-had a stage in picnik?
no, there was a stage in picnik.

-had a hamburger in picnik?
no, there was a burger at the picnik ground.

-had a ball in picnik?
no, there was a ball picnik.

-had a dove on the picnik?
no, there was a dove on the picnik.

there were:
-had some bread in picnik?
whethere, if there was some bread in picnik.

-had cheese in picnik?
whethere, if there was cheese in picnik.

-had a bottle of Rum in picnik?
whethere, if there was a bottle of Rum in picnik.

-had a suitcaso in picnik?
whethere if there was a suitcase in picnik.

-had a glass of Rum in picnik?
whethere if there was a glass of Rum in picnik?

oraciones con there was, there were, there many, there much

Sentences sometimes put "there was", "there much", "there many" y there were", seen in the picture we see a park and describe the park with "there was".

there was
-there were no animals in the park.
-there is no trash in the park.
-there was a stadium in the park.
-there was no sun in the park.
-there was a baseball field in the park.

there were:
-my mom`s house had mice.
-in the the park had a circus.
-in the maze had flowers.
-olives trees in my grandmother had seen a car very advanced car technology.
-my car had plush.

there much:
-much candy onthe cake.
-much air in my room.
-much fresh coffee.
-much deodorant bottle.
-much coffee in the cup.

there many:
-there are many games in the toy store.
-there are many ships at sea.
-there are many dackages in post offices.
-there are many books onthe shelf.
-there are many animals in the forest.

pagina en donde se encontro la imagen:
nombre de la imagen:
maria jose peroza urbina.


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

frases en "hay" y "no hay" en Ingles

A) Sentences with "There are"

  • There milk.
  • There cheese.
  • There are cloth.
  • There are benches.
  • There cookies.
B) Sentences with "there is"

  • But there isn´t cookies.
  • But there isn´t knife.
  • But there isn´t needles.
  • But there isn´t tables.
  • But there isn´t meat.


A) Frases en "hay"
  • Hay leche.
  • Hay queso.
  • Hay tela.
  • Hay bancos.
  • Hay galletas.

B) Sentences with "There is"
  • No hay galletas.
  • No hay cuchillo.
  • No hay agujas.
  • No hay mesas.
  • No hay carne.

Normas del buen hablante y del buen oyente

A) Normas del buen oyente:

- Mirar a los ojos al hablante.
Atender a lo que dice.
- Evitar interrumpir al hablante.
- Esperar que el hablante termine, para responder.

B) Normas del buen hablante:

- Expresarse en forma clara y sencilla.
- Mirar a la persona con quien se habla.
- Utilizar un tono de voz adecuado.
- Pronunciar correctamente las palabras.